Nettoyage commercial Montréal

Our Solutions for a
Healthy Environment!

Your Partner of Choice
for Senior Retirement Homes!

Let Us Clean
Your Workplace!!

upon Request!

Services Sani-Net truly is your partner of choice in your quest for a clean and healthy environment. Our dedicated and conscientious team has an eye for detail, knowledge, and experience to get the job done!

We will work with you to determine and develop a personalized service that best suits your needs. We are committed to client satisfaction every time.

Our goal at Services Sani Net, is to provide you with quality service, preformed efficiently while remaining in your schedule and budget parameters.

We offer a personalised service. We determine with each of our clients the cleaning and housekeeping method that best suit their needs.

We serve the following clientele:

  • Offices
  • Senior Retirement Homes
  • Large buildings
  • Factories
  • Warehouses
  • Kitchens and Restaurants
  • So Much More!